Dauntless enterprising,challenge high-points

1. good staffs standard of New Land

1) excellent, upright character
2) strong quality consciousness
3) identify with the common values of the enterprise, follow the enterprise step, take New Land as own career, and melt the personal pursuit into NewLand long term development.
4) unceasingly studying and innovating and pursuing, full of self-confidence and enthusiasm

2. director quality of NewLand

1) excellent, upright character
2) full of enthusiasm, take New Land as own career, melt personal pursuit into long term development of NewLand, challenge high-points, in pursuit of excellence
3) sense of difficult decisions
4) broad bosom to bear complaining and beating, possess remorseless backbone.
5) good communication ability, study ability and innovation ability
6) realise the profit goal, have the finance consciousness

3. management principles

1) justice, right
2) make any decisions after complete discussion, put the united result in practice
3) each director deals with anything on the base of ultimate benefit of NewLand
4) quality is the base of developing New Land, each director has the responsibility to put the quality in the important place

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